Operation Warm Wishes Hosts Thanksgiving Spectacular


On Thanksgiving Day, November 23, Operation Warm Wishes will host The 9th Annual Unity in the Community Thanksgiving Spectacular at Peppertree Park in Tustin, California.

"Super wow! We are celebrating nine years of feeding those in need on Thanksgiving Day!," said organizer Tyron Jackson. "On Thanksgiving Day, nine years ago, I and three volunteers came together at a small dance studio to serve 30 people in need. Some were homeless, some were struggling families, and some were lonely and in need of encouragement. On that Thanksgiving Day, nine years ago, we saw something amazing. We saw something special. We saw something SPECTACULAR! Lives being touched and served in a beautiful way. Join us this Thanksgiving!"

Thanksgiving is a time to be with family, to remember the year that has passed and to be thankful for what we have been given. Thanksgiving is also a time to remember those less fortunate, the needy, the forgotten, and the homeless. Thanksgiving is love!

On Thanksgiving Day, November 23, 2017, from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. Operation Warm Wishes and the community, will host and serve a FREE Thanksgiving dinner, with all the trimmings, to families in need, senior citizens, troubled youth, the homeless, our Veterans, those suffering from various illnesses and ALL those in need of love and encouragement at Peppertree Park, 230 W 1st Street Tustin, CA 92780.

It's going to be a beautiful and amazing day of love, family, fun, and Thanksgiving! All are welcome! No one will be turned away. Together we can make a difference! Together we can touch lives!

For more information please call Tyron Jackson at 714-363-6621 or visit www.Operation WarmWishes.com

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