Cocktail Culture: 3 Holiday Sippers From BenRiach Scotch


Who says single malt scotch is only for sipping? BenRiah, a Speyside distillery, is encourage drinkers to shake it up this holiday season with well-crafted cocktails featuring BenRiach 10-Year Peasted Curiositas.

Speyside Ceilidh by David Dong (North End Grill)
"The Speyside Ceilidh is perfect for the fall as it is a Scotch cocktail that still tastes like Scotch. The Royal Combier and Dry Vermouth round out the cocktail, making it pleasantly silky and help to highlight the "fortifying" and "warming" qualities of the BenRiach Scotch as the days and nights get colder."

1.5 oz BenRiach 10 Year Old Peated Curiositas
.75 oz Royal Combier
.75 oz Dolin Dry Vermouth
Add all ingredients to a mixing glass with ice. Strain onto a large rock in a rocks glass. Garnish with an expressed grapefruit peel.

Smoky Star by Young Kim (Flatiron Room)
"A perfect cocktail for smoky fans to sip on cooler nights indoors or in front of the fire. Maraschino liqueur and benedictine add complexity of flavor and round out the peaty notes of the Curiositas. The cinnamon stick and star anise add warmth and the aroma of the upcoming holiday season."

1.5 oz BenRiach 10 Year Old Peated Curiositas
.5 oz Dry Vermouth
.25 oz Maraschino Liqueur
.25 oz Benedictine
1 Cinnamon stick
2 Star Anise

Add all ingredients including 1 cinnamon stick and 1 star anise in a mixing glass with ice. Strain into a coupe glass and garnish with star anise.

Golden Pineapple by Miguel Aranda (The Black Lodge)
"The aroma and the smokiness of BenRiach 10 year old Curiositas are a perfect marriage for orgeat and walnut."

2 oz BenRiach 10 Year Old Peated Curiositas
.75 oz Lime juice
.5 oz Walnut liqueur
.5 oz Orgeat
.1 oz Pineapple juice

Mix all ingredients and serve over crushed ice in a copper cup. Garnish with mint and lemon peel.

This story is part of our special report: "Cocktail Culture". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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