Rubio: Constitutional Right to Equal Marriage 'Doesn't Exist'


Marco Rubio will go to your wedding, he just thinks your constitutional right to get married doesn't exist.

Two weeks after saying that he would attend the wedding of a gay or lesbian loved one, 2016 GOP presidential hopeful Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is back in step with the conservative faction of the Republican Party, decrying marriage rights and lamenting the fact that his position against equality labels him a hater, the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN reports.

In an exclusive one-on-one interview with CBN's David Brody during the spring kick-off of the Faith and Freedom coalition in Des Moines, Iowa this weekend, Senator Rubio responded to a question about where he stood on the idea of a constitutional right for equal marriage rights.

"It doesn't exist," Rubio answered. "There is no federal constitutional right to same sex marriage. There isn't such a right. You have to have a ridiculous reading of the U.S. constitution to reach the conclusion that people have a right to marry someone of the same sex. There is no such constitutional right."

A vocal opponent of court decisions on marriage equality, Rubio added, "Can a state decide to change their laws? Yes, but only through the political process..."

In response to attacks against his position against equality, Rubio said critics of his policy "want to stigmatize, they want to ostracize anyone who disagrees with them as haters. It's very simple. This is not a policy against anyone."

Rubio's comments to CBN are in contrast to the softened tone on homosexuality ' target='_blank'>he expressed a week earlier during and appearance on CBS News' "Face the Nation."

"I (also) don't believe that your sexual preferences are a choice for the vast and enormous majority of people," Rubio told "Face the Nation" host Bob Schieffer. "I believe that sexual preference is something that people are born with."


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