Slightly Conflicting Account of Palin Brawl Emerges


Oh yeah? Well he started it!

The September 6th Anchorage birthday brawl involving most members of Sarah Palin's family that left many wondering whether the former GOP vice presidential hopeful's cancelled reality show was back in production, is back in the news, Real Clear Politics reports.

According to previous reports picked up and published by just about every major American news outlet including The New York Times and The Washington Post, the incident started when Track (the Palin's eldest son) had words with his younger sister Willow's ex. A fight breaks out, which grows to involve other guests at the party, the party's host, Palin's husband Todd, and daughters Willow and Bristol. Todd is left with a bloody nose. Track is left shirtless flipping off the crowd. Bristol is praised for her boxing skills. And Sarah reportedly reportedly screamed "Don't you know who I am?"

In a case of "but he started it," an unnamed source close to the Palin family spoke with Real Clear Politics about the incident. Like the previous report, Track Palin was the first member of Alaska's first clan involved in the melee, however according to RCP's source, the facts diverge there.

The source claims that it all started when sister Willow's ex-boyfriend tried to get into Palin's stretch Hummer after some "questionable behavior," leading Palin's eldest son Track to get involved. Next, the source claims that former marine Track was fighting off four other partygoers, which lead to father Todd to get involved in the dog pile. Todd was left with a bloody nose. Track was allegedly left with four broken ribs.

Minor and barely significant facts also diverge over daughter Bristol's part in the brawl. RCP's source did not deny that the former "Dancing with the Stars" contestant was involved in the fight, but "took issue" with the earlier account that said she had "a mean right hook." Apparently, Bristol is left-handed.

Feel free to roll your eyes now.

The now famous "Don't you know who i am?" quote reportedly screamed by the former governor was also a matter of contention with the source.

According to the Palin's friend, mother Sarah shouted "Don't you know who he is? He's a vet!" referring to son Track's military record.

No mention was made by RCP's source about Sarah's September 7 post-fight post on Facebook where she said "I was traveling yesterday." Was it a mistake due to jet lag? Did she forget about the fight? Punch drunk perhaps? We may never know.


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