Teen GOP Hopeful Faces Backlash Over Anti-Gay Christmas Tweet


So much for the theory that younger Republicans are more accepting of LGBT rights.

Jacob Dorsey, 19, must not have been thinking of his campaign to represent the 44th District in the Wisconsin state assembly last Christmas, when at 1:30 a.m., the young Republican hopeful used a gay slur in a tweet speaking out against Utah's same-sex marriages.

Fiver months before throwing his hat in the ring as the Republican candidate for Wisconsin's state assembly, Dorsey, a student at the Mormon owned Brigham Young University, celebrated Jesus' birth with a little old fashioned homophobia. Angered over same-sex marriages that were taking place in Utah, Dorsey took to twitter:

10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejects #Utah's request to stop same-sex marriages.

fags need 2 leave my favorite state alone.

In a statement to News 3, Dorsey apologized for his language.

"I regret using unacceptable and hurtful language on social media last year," he said. "I am a staunch supporter of traditional marriage, but the language I used is not in keeping with my character, family values and Christian upbringing."

Dorsey's CV boasts membership in the National Rifle Association, BYU Investment Society, Republican Party of Rock County. He is also a former legislative supervisor for the anti-porn crusading group, Citizens for Decency.

In 2013, on the eve of the United States Supreme Court hearing on the Defense of Marriage Act and California's Proposition 8 cases, Republican National Chairman Reince Priebus said that the GOP needed to welcome party members who support same-sex marriage.

"I don't believe we need to act like Old Testament heretics," Priebus told USA Today, saying Republicans "have to strike a balance between principle and grace and respect."


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